by PhilRights staff

A Child-Friendly Village is an ideal condition of a community that respects, protects and fulfills the rights of its children members. All of a community’s adults such as local government leaders, teachers, and parents are all aware of their responsibilities and empowering young people. The children, meanwhile, are also able to fulfill their potentials and participate in the decision-making of the community according to their abilities.

In other words, a Child-Friendly Village is a community that demonstrates the proper relationship between duty bearers (the State, parents, teachers, and all adults in the community) and rights holders (children).


Our extensive advocacy in Children’s Rights revolves around the idea of promoting the development of Child-Friendly Villages across the country. We believe that empowering children is a key strategy in building a culture of Human Rights from one community to another.

Admittedly, advocating for the creation of child-friendly villages is not an easy task. One may start it in their own community or another area of choice. Before starting this endeavor, you may ask yourself the following important questions:

  • What is the situation of the children in the community?
  • Who are responsible in promoting children’s rights in the community?
  • What are the available programs for children which can be strengthened?
  • How can the children be capacitated and mobilized for this initiative?
  • Who can be your partners in the community for this endeavor?
  • What are the resources needed to start this initiative?

Children’s Rights is a challenging yet noble advocacy. Imagine a community that will be inherited by children raised under a culture of equality, social justice and human dignity. Envisioning a child-friendly village is not only for the benefit of the children but also for the community which has a better chance to improve its conditions in the years to come.

As a famous Nigerian proverb says, ‘It takes a village to raise a child’. How much would this saying be improved if these villages are committed to the development of their children as equal members of their community?



If you or your institution is interested to learn more about Children’s Rights, please contact us

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